NiSh Birthday – Year 20 – How it went along..

NiSh Birthday – Year 20 – How it went along..

*burrrp*.. That’s what you get when you end up your birthday dinner @ 2am in the morning.. LOL..
So, let’s start the birthday post right from the Birthday Eve.. The phone started ringing right up from ~23.15* for early birthday wishes.. next call up at 23:40 from a dear friend who was all ‘Ab tum bees saal ke ho gaye toh hum bachchon ko bhuul jaaoge isliye jaldi phone kiya‘ (Since you’re 20 yrs old now you may forget us kids so called you up early)… And I was all.. WTF.. Let that 2-digit number spelt T-W-E-N-T-Y be BANNEDTH Now!! :x I’m Still in my Sweet 16 age ^_^

And the call went up until 00:06 when he finally WiShed me A very Happy Birthday.. .. Pretty smart how people actually call you up early just to avoid a Waiting tone after midnight.. Which was exactly the situation after the 00 hrs onwards.. with some friends talking on and on, not realising there are some other dear ones waiting in the call queue.. And to those who failed to connect to me in such a case, my apologies, but you could have tried again later

Txt-message greeting fails in cases where you pull out your Saved msgs box and randomly shove a Birthday sms to your friend; not realizing it’s quite a commonly forwarded one.. who knows maybe that same friend may have forwarded it to you.. and you back to him.. -_-; Although I still appreciate all those who did greet me online via IMs, Scraps, Emails, or SMSes.. But those who could manage to call and talk to me personally, that’s the best gift I believe I could’ve got, since voice is one thing that reaches out from your heart direct to the other person and conveys your wishes better. =)

Rise n’ shine.. It’s THE Day.. the Sun’s up.. but NiSh isn’t.. ? Finally I wake up with.. a headache and nerve pains? Gah.. Once again probably left the phone radio headset playing in my ear all night… Ouch.. So anyways, I get the first morning call from my Aunt.. and later on some more to follow, and constant greetings getting scrapped on Orkut all day as usual. So I dress up in some neat new clothes with a red & light blue combination… and.. sit around.. and just sit around some more… taking a few birthday day snaps.. and sit around some more..? Ofcourse, how dull can your birthday morning get when you have no college to attend (not for the lectures sake tho ;)) resulting in no friends to meet and wish you personally, no going out and giving them a treat… absolutely nothing! And since Laziness ownz over me, I do not wander out the door until there’s a genuine reason for it.. So I just sit some more.. And that headache really gets bad..

Lunch time around, and I have some really good dishes waiting for me.. Thanks to my sweet loving mom who actually went through the trouble of cooking up a special Lunch (not forgetting a sweet dish :)) inspite of having office to attend early morning.. *cuddles* ^^ And later, I just fall off to bed.. Yes! Bed! I never knew I’d actually have a nap on a birthday.. or even look at my lousy lazy messed up bed.. if it wasn’t for that headache and sickness sort of feeling that started to get worst..

***Zzzz… And it’s late evening already? Somehow did manage to wake up, and all I had to do.. is wait for my mom to get back from office.. and even tho it was time already, she still wasn’t home.. I guess she was shopping around for me.. ….. So let’s quickly speed up the whole waiting part.. which was really long, and get to the celebration! Well before which, I did have a few more phone calls and smses (plus Orkut scrapping to glory continues), with everyone just adamant to point out that it was my ‘TWENTY’th Birthday.. damn 20 is Forbidden!! Inverse use of 20 is still allowed tho (as in 02 yrs ) Some went even ahead to boldly state ‘congrats for beginning 21st year..’ ….

Moving on to the celebration again, it’s around 22:00hrs, and I get shoved out.. with a scrumptious lil’ cake in front of me, with _Nishant_ scribbled over it with cream.. so as always I first need to get the NISH part partitioned from the ANT.. thus leaving the NISH piece only for the NiSh

And the cake cutting follows with my dear mom and bro humming the Happy Birthday tune for me.. ^^ and I’m gifted with some self-baked chocolate cookies by my brother… and a Chrono watch by my mom .. who does also say she was supposed to get me a better gift , but due to lack of time cudn’t.. so I may have to wait.. (and later leaked by my brother that it was supposed to be an iPod.. Eww.. Apple..). The chocolate cookies was something that my brother had been trying to bake all day for me.. (sweet ^^).. and taking a bite of which did feel a lil’ bit odd.. and the reason was cuz.. my mom realised he had used Salted cashews instead of the normal ones.. hence resulting in somewhat Salted chocolate cookies… Altho my dog enjoyed them (LOL).. robbing away one after the another from the dish whilst no one was at watch.

Beverages included the usual soft drinks and some Fruit sodas.. which did add up to my sickness, but can’t deny on your birthday :)…. And finally.. whilst it was time for dinner, the sickness started to show up even more, and I literally had a nice short nap near the oven.. which was busy heating up the pizzas my mom was upto, at 1 in the morning.. Lol.. And the rest.. *burrp* is where this post began with.

The things I did miss this year was as written above, having no college so no meeting up with friends and givin’ them a good enough treat , as well as the online celebration that I had previous year on IRC and the forums. [Check it out]

And before I forget to mention, I’d like to specially thank that special guy, my dear close friend and brother online, who gifted me a domain on my birthday [].. As a hint, it’s the guy mentioned above who first used the forbidden number.. 20.. figure him out

—- And sooo… here ends my awfully X-tra large post.. which rather turned out into an Essay instead… describing all about the Lazy, somewhat boring, yet a fun-filled Birthday… in the start of the 21st Year of the NiSh.

La Fin-

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*All times mentioned here are in IST (GMT +5.30) unless specified NSTw (NiSh Standard Time winter = IST +/- 18hrs).

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2 Responses to NiSh Birthday – Year 20 – How it went along..

  1. PikachuTrAiNeR says:

    Some late kinda’ish reply. ^__^
    It was fun WiShing at Mayonaka, though I feel sorry bout your uber late gift going to /dev/null/. =(

  2. Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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