Nintendo 3DS – New Super Mario Bros. 2 E3 Trailer

The real sequel to NSMB DS is here, named NSMB 2. However, this time for the 3DS. This is kind of expected since the DS titles have to die in order for the 3DS to gain share. As I shared screenshots for this game 2 blogposts earlier, Nintendo has now released the trailer for the same.

The game isn’t that much of an exciting feel as much as Super Mario 3D Land was, nevertheless, it is quite something to look out for, to every Mario fan out there. If you’ve played NSMB endlessly and need a fresh new set of levels, here’s the game with it. However, fun additions are included, one being the always anticipated P-wing. The mushroom kingdom is also flooded with coins and more coins this time, making it seem like bonus stages all around. In fact collecting the most coins is one of the aims in the game.

EDIT: Co-Op gameplay

Realized this feature after watching the Software Showcase trailer for the game the next day. Now THIS, would probably be one of the big reasons to anticipate the game. I always wished for this feature on NSMB (1), because the multiplayer on it wasn’t part of the main game, instead a rather boring level to simply collect stars.

Look forward to buying the game this August.

E3 trailer:

E3 Solo & Gameplay video:
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New Super Mario Bros. 2 for 3DS announced!

YAY! A new Mario handheld game, just within a year since the previous one, Super Mario 3D Land released. The sequel to New Super Mario Bros. for the DS, is here, however this time for the 3DS. Announced for release via Nintendo Direct for this August of 2012.

[tweet_embed id=193547198783438849]

I’m not sure if I should rejoice or frown at the fact that it is for the 3DS, since I don’t own a 3DS yet at the time of posting this, only a DS Lite. But I welcome the change in the console, if the game, compared to its predecessor, actually has something new that only 3DS can offer. Yeah yeah, the 3D is still there.

More Screenshots:  Continue reading

Super Mario for Nintendo 3DS!

YES! The trailers are finally revealed. For the past couple of months, I’ve waited for this day in June when the E3 conference would be held, and Nintendo would offer a sneak peak into the game. Until now, all we knew was that it’s going to be a 3D game, and the return of the Racoon suit. But.. after watching the trailer LIVE on the E3 broadcast.. I was astounded. Take a look at the Official Trailer:

OKAY! So the trailer gave a demo of the amazing 3D world and the enemies and power-ups the game has to offer. I was okay until that point. Yes, I desperately needed a 3DS to play it. However, the next day or so, I discover THIS:

And THAT is what FREAKS ME OUT. AAAAAAAAAA!!! What the..
The familiar 1-2 world we’ve played in the classic games, completey revamped to a fresh new 3D look. That is really what you can call a 3D version of the actual Super Mario Bros. platform games. It is like.. taking the 2.5D New Super Mario Bros. to an entirely new 3D level. I always wondered how they would pull it off, or rather, how would the platformer look in 3D. I thought it would resemble the other 3D games we’ve had, like Super Mario 64, which don’t really come close to the platform version. They are somewhat different in their own way.  Continue reading

My First Play-Asia shipment: Fire Mario plush

It was the 31st of October, and I was randomly surfing around Play-Asia yet again.. just staring at those 00ber items listed there.. ranging from kawaii SMB keychains to plush dolls and console games ofcourse, wondering when I’d ever get to have any damn thing from them.

They were also having a 15-day discounted sale period on Play-Asia during that period, and that day was supposed to be the last. I had come across this Super Mario Galaxy Plush Doll: Fire Mario many a times, but never really got that *WANT!* urge within me, which I suddenly did at that moment. As a co-incidence, I had earnt a few bucks during that period and my Paypal was almost near to having sufficient funds to afford that doll. It took me an entire day to come upon the decision to finally purchase it. The negative thought that haunted me was that did that doll deserve to be purchased for a 20 yr old guy like me? Doesn’t the word on the average people’s street go all — “Dolls are for the kiddies!“?

I did overcome that with a positive attitude that came from within. We often grow up in life to such an extent that we tend to forget the inner child within us. We forget to have the same fun we used to have when we were 5, we forget to laugh, dance or act all crazy like we used to back then. We try to overcome that inner demand for toys, dolls, candies, chocolates, et al. The same demand that was urging me to hit the Buy Now button on the Fire Mario item page.

Yes! I will hit it!! I will buy that for the Little NiSh who demands it! No matter the money spent, I won’t take it as ‘wasted’. Money comes and goes, but times like these don’t. Many negative comments came from contacts whom I asked for suggestions over buying it; including my mom who also exclaimed whether I was a kid?! But luckily there *were* contacts online who possess a similar mindset as mine, and proded me to go for it! (Thanks PikachuTrAiNeR, Ewan, harrytendulkar, Reetesh, Blenderboy Ankit). The other plus point in ordering it ASAP was since the sale mentioned above was offering a $7 off on the plush doll. Going for it later would just have me spend more over it.

So I filled in the necessary shipping details, did the payment and confirmed the purchase. It was a joy in doing this in real for once. I later did add in an extra item the next day, which was the pack of grape candies, just randomly to have some extra joy in the purchase, since it was supposed to be a birthday gift for me from myself =)

Play-Asia finally sent me a notification on the 3rd of Nov. 08, regarding my purchase status which was now *shipped*! Yay! So everything is final now, nothing can stop it. Since then until today, the 15th, I’ve been anxiously waiting for it to arrive. 12 days is a decent time to wait I guess, for free economy air parcel by post.

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