Yay new 512 MB RAM!!!

Finally!! I got a new 512 MB RAM yesterday..

I really planned on getting a 1 GB one for Rs. 4200/- but what the hell… I suddenly get the news the prices have risen up to Rs. 5500/- O_O … *faints.. My mom is a no-no for that now, so had to get the 512 MB one..

And this is so disappointing that even after the RAM replacement, my system is still getting the random reboots (tho not the blue screen related to memory probs, so maybe the new RAM solved that) whenever I’m working on Photoshop (the Polygonal Lasso tool especially), or playing a game (I’ve stopped playing games from the past 1 yr due to this :'( ) or just surfing around, chatting and listening to music… its really RANDOM.. I hope to fix my system soon, I’ll be trying to reinstall Windows on a clean drive.. But I really think this must be either CPU Overheating related issues or sumthing with the MB, please comment or let me know if u can help me fix it.. its really a frustrating issue.

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