Try Google LiveAndroid Mobile OS LiveCD / USB on your x86 PC

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Want to give Google Android a try, but don’t feel like buying a T-Mobile G1? LiveAndroid lets you download a LiveCD disc image of the Google Android operating system. Just burn the image to a disc, stick it in a CD-ROM drive, and reboot your computer and you can check out Android without installing it or affecting any files on your PC.

You can also use the disc image in a virtualization application like VirtualBox, VMWare or Microsoft Virtual PC if you want to try the operating system without even rebooting your computer.

So I tried out LiveAndroid myself, and I can say it does look pretty, but most of the functions won’t work anyways, since it’s only supposed to be offered to try out the OS on your computer without having to purchase the mobile phone it is bundled with. As a Google fan, you’re welcome to check out the glory of a Google Operating System before the Chrome OS is out.

Apparently at the time of writing, this doesn’t work on Netbooks yet as I’ve tried on my Lenovo S10 and it wouldn’t advance beyond the bootscreen. Do notify me if it does on yours.



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Download the LiveCD/USB images from links below:

    If you’re planning to create a Bootable USB, you’ll need to use something like UNetBootin. Simply copying the files to the drive won’t work.
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