3G speed on 2G Airtel plan

This is yet another reason to love Airtel! 3G was enabled on my phone ever since they were offering free trials in the month of Feb-March 2011. However for some reason, even though my Nokia N73 was 3G enabled, I still got slow EDGE speeds, not sure why.

After I got my Android phone, I experienced real 3G speeds of 3.5 Mbps, however the free 3G trial ended soon after a few days. Yet, when I set my phone to 3G mode post the trial, I get a constant speed of 500-800 Kbps, which is on my 2G Mobile Office plan priced at 98/month with a 2G free data usage limit.


On occasions, it has also gone up to 2mbps as you can notice in the screenshot. While this isn’t really 3G speed, however isn’t it awesome to get half to one or two megabits of bandwidth at the price of an EDGE connection?

The speed makes web browsing, downloading apps and files, as well as watching YouTube videos a cinch. They load in a jiffy and no buffering time as well.

Are you on Airtel too? Or another carrier? Do you get such amazing speeds as well? Do share.

EDIT: I see a lot of traffic coming onto this post through searching for how to get 3G speed on 2G Airtel. So even though I’m not sure of this method, you could try it.

  • You first need to have 3G network enabled on your number I suppose, so sms 3G to 121. You’ll have to subscribe to the 1 day plan for Rs. 8, just so you get 3G enabled.
  • Now as usual, activate your 2G plan of Rs. 98 for 2GB/month. This isn’t tested so please don’t blame me if it does not work. Set your phone to 3G and you might just get 3G speeds even on 2G plan, because 3G network might still be working.
  • I’ve read from another blog post, there’s another (tested and working) way to do this, by activating 100MB 2G plan for Rs. 10 after the 1 day 3G plan. The plan will keep getting renewed every 3 days and you shall be paying Rs. 100 for 1GB for a month, and get 3G speed. Although it seems costlier than Rs. 98/month for 2GB Mobile Office, but give it a shot if either one doesn’t work. At your own risk that is.
  • Please comment back if any of the method worked for you. Thanks.
Here are Airtel’s official 3G plans. I suppose the first two are affordable if you aren’t going to make heavy usage of it. Free usage per monthly rentals are as follows:
200MB @ Rs. 100
500MB @ Rs. 200
1200MB @ Rs. 450
3p/10KB post the free usage. SMS ‘3G’ to 121 to activate. ‘3G USE’ to 121 to check usage.
(The above plans were told to me by the customer care guy. Airtel’s official site however differs: http://airtel.in/Airtel-3G/tariffs.html)

If you simply need 3G because EDGE is turning out tad slow for your daily surfing, app download and Whatsapping needs, try these packs out. And as I’ve confirmed, you are only charged for the number of days you use these plans. So if you deactivate 2G in the middle of your billing month, activate 3G for few days, return back to 2G, you won’t be charged entire monthly plan rentals for each of these activations. Not bad to try out the plans then. 
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167 Responses to 3G speed on 2G Airtel plan

  1. Alok says:

    I have Airtel too. But I don’t get such high speeds. Anyways, I am happy with it. 😀 ”Dil Jo Chahey, Paas Laaye”

  2. Ankur says:

    I am switching to postpaid :/

  3. Hei please tell me how to activate 3g on pc with salora zapper data card …i have 2g airtel prepaid..thank you

    • Nishant says:

      Hi, I’m not sure about how data cards work, but I suppose you ought to enable 3G first by texting <3G> to 121. Please read my updated blog post above.

  4. anup says:

    is this work on iphone 3gs?

  5. shivam says:

    It works very fast amazing speed you can play youtube videos whithout buffering and you can also watch t.v and so many things. first recharge with 2g 98/monthly than just send 3g to 121 and than reply with 1.
    Than restart your android device after some time you will see 3g at the top.

    • Nishant says:

      Yeah, but it says your current (Mobile Office) plan will get deactivated if you enable 3G that way. So do you re-activate Mobile Office after 3G?

  6. Sunjeet says:

    I live in guwahati and I have been using airtel gprs on my android for a while now, just a few days ago after official launched of airtel 3g I turned on 3g on my android and instantly the symbol changed to “H” and I started getting high speed net without changing data plan to 3g. I don’t know whether it is a free service for a limited period of time but its awesome ………..

  7. Sj matharu says:

    thx nishant.. this worked for me, i got this thought when my bro activated the 98rs 2g plan on his iphone 4 had a blast of 3g speed. so i googled then i got ur blog really helped me…

    btw thx to shivam also.. his phone restart point is helping too.

  8. Chands says:

    Hey Nishant,
    Thanks for sharing.. when i went for 2g gprs 98 rs plan, after a few days, 3g signal started to show on my motorola xt720 phone.. and i really enjoyed 3g speeds for around 2-3 months.. now after a few days, its back to 20-30 kbps.. :-(….

    • Nishant says:

      Yeah, even my speed suddenly goes down to 2G sometimes even in 3G network. So try this: Disable Packet Data in your Wireless & Network settings, then Enable it again. It works for me sometimes and after re-enabling Packet Data I get good speeds again. But yeah, it might not always work. Just try it.

  9. Ftpro says:

    I have same problem ,first few day getting 70ks after its slowly down 5ks .

    • Nishant says:

      Try the workaround I suggested in the previous comment. Cycle between 2G > 3G and Packet data enable > disable a few times and use Speed Test app to quickly know if you’re getting the high speed back again.

  10. saajan says:

    does it work on other recharges like 19rs,34rs????

    • Nishant says:

      No idea, I’m on postpaid so never tried. However, the basic idea is to get your number 3G enabled once, and then switch to any 2G plan of your choice. Try it if possible and let me know if something works out 🙂

  11. saajan says:

    not working in 19rs pack!!! i did not try in 98rs pack!! my friend told that 1st must activate 98rs pack in 2g and then activate 3g by sending “3G to 121”

  12. bipin says:

    i m also use 2g plane to 3g speed after one day spend i m use 2g to 3g speedthat not use what problem? I m form gujrat.

  13. amit says:

    i ve done the recharge of 3g but when i start 3g they said that your all previos data will disable is that true or have to do that help me anyone

    • Nishant says:

      Yes, if you already have a previous plan like the Rs. 98 Mobile Office plan, then it will be deactivated. So better do it when your plan is about to end. Then activate 3G plan for a day. Then activate the 2G plan again after 3G is over. However, I have stopped getting 3G speeds now, probably Airtel has found out about this so I only get 2G on 2G plan. 🙁

  14. jak says:

    are Bhai kya airtel live ki setting
    like access point: airtelfun.com
    proxy and port rakhane pe
    signal aata hai kya? ? android phone pe

    • Nishant says:

      Airtel Live needs to be active. And it is charged for every KB you download. So don’t use it for too much browsing. If you don’t get the signal, call 121 and they will send you Airtel Live settings.

  15. deepan says:

    Hi buddies, there is an easy way to get 3G speeds on 2G plan. But what is the use to me if i share with u? i am a server security engineer and i have investigated around 10days to find out. if i will get any profit am ready to share.

    • Nishant says:

      Blogs and discussion boards are communities where information is shared not for profit but as a kind gesture. Sad if you demand something in return for simply sharing a mere workaround to the public. Some things in life are greater than monetary profits.

    • Help needer says:

      Plz y don’t u say i don’t get money from my father maximum 100 rs.so i want complete enjoy and satisfaction with that 100 rs.you will be the person who made one poor person made happy.plz tell that trick.ADVANCE THANK YOU

    • Help needer says:

      Plz tell that trick.i never get money from my father maximum 100 rs i want complete satisfaction and enjoy with that 100 rs.you will be the person who made one poor person happy and satisfied plz tell that trick.ADVANCE THANK YOU

  16. amit says:

    don’t use the trick this is outdated I used many tricks but when I use my 2g airtel card its gives me a speec upto 130kps and when i activate 2g its going down to 30 to 40 kbps

  17. Sreekumar.V.S says:

    how to activate 3g in Nokia C2-01?

    • PRAVEEN KUMAR N says:

      Just send 3G to 121.so you will get mes then reply with 1.. that’s it……But some time you will get error mess.if so then call to 198 then follow the instruction they will assist you…..thx….

  18. PRAVEEN KUMAR N says:

    Hi friends im from Bangalore…..Here Airtel is the best Operator which provides good speed whole day thats of the order 400kbps to download (i.e.,1.5MB to my no.)……But sad news is they are going to Follow Aircel Method that is None of the 2G pack can be use with 3G network!!!may be for few they will allow for some days but after 2-3months it is not possible…..& i saw so many were telling that 2G pack can be used with 3G Speed….it is true but don’t go with 98rs pack because after 1Day you will be struggle with that slow 2G speed & one most important bad thing is you are not able to activate 3G pack till that 2G pack reduced to 50MB….so better go with 10rs for less use & 34rs for little more that is enough…..and DON’T recharge other than sachet packs,like 103rs & above because you will not get 3G speed after the free usage you get….i already try & cheated……..enjoy browsing……..

  19. saajan says:

    now not getting 3g speed in 2g 🙁 tried a lot..i think airtel has cancelled tat 🙁 if any 1 getting here in karnataka then please do share..
    thank you 🙂

    • Nishant says:

      Not getting even here in Mumbai.

    • PRAVEEN KUMAR N says:

      Yes,u can get 3g speed in 2g pack!!!!!!!!!!to do so your 2G pack must be <=50MB,then activate any 3G plan by sending 3G to 121 then follow instr….so that you can 3G speed For the remaining MB……….If you are lucky then try to recharge with 19rs(200MB) pack so you may get 3G speed till that 3G plan validity *123*11#…….thx

  20. subhash says:

    i know how to activate the 3g using 98 2g plan on prepaid
    but how to do it on postpaid
    when i activate the 2g 98 plan on postpaid and then send 3g i am getting a message that ur 2g 98 plan will get deactivated
    and then i am getting H instead of E
    but the tariff charges are normal 30p/10kb

  21. Brijesh says:

    i have a trick for docomo…
    as u all know docomo caught previous trick but here is another one..
    first recharge ur net with minimum voucher..(below 48/-..)
    now dial *141# and choose a 3G plan…
    then recharge with 48/- that gives u 3G speed and usage is 2GB.
    try it on ur own risk..

  22. infoani says:

    hey. there is no docomo in chennai. i think airtel is the best in chennai..

  23. pradeep reddy says:

    will dis work on symbian phones as well?

  24. praveen says:

    im also had smsumg galaxy ace bt i didnt get high sped just i got max 10kb what i can pls help me.

  25. Vignesh says:

    hi guys dont avtivate 98 2g plan on ur sim now it provides only 1 gb not 2 gb and it also not allowing the 3g speed even u r having enough 3g signal….

  26. I use a Dell Android Phone which is the best and cheapest SMART phone. I had recently activated 200Rs Postpaid 3G plan that gives 150MB data at 2 mbps speed and I did get excellent speed….. I used its 150MB data @ good speed (1.5 Mbps download speed and 0.5Mbps Upload speed) in about a week and then I upgraded to the max plan of Rs750 that gives 5GB @ 2Mbps speed hoping to get same speed. But I guess AIRTEL’s system capped my speed to a pathetic 2-5kbps according to the 200 plan and kept it that way even though I upgraded. The 3G support reps have no idea about troubleshooting and All they can troubleshoot is to tell customers to set the APN to APN name MO with APN : airtelgprs.com which is already there on the phone with name Mobile Office. It actually does not make any difference .

    Finally, Today I have disabled 3G service and am in process of getting it reactivated with the 750Rs plan Hopefully it will give me good speed……Will keep posted. I know I have to fight with AIRTEL support next month to fix my billing issues. Their own systems are under upgradation for around 24 to 48 hrs on the weekends and the poor reps are informed to suggest customers that the TAT time is 2hrs and the support calls are PAID.

  27. pranav jani says:

    hi bro i hav nokia 5233 and im regular using 2g plan on air tel 98 for par manth pliz tel mi any trik so im accsess 3g spid in 2g plan bikoz my mob is olso 2g

  28. Airtel 3G says:

    Bharti airtel limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 19 countries across Asia and Africa. The company offers mobile voice & data services

  29. We plan to spread coverage rapidly in the coming quarters. Bharti airtel, India’s leading telecommunications company, today announced the commercial launch of its 3G services in the cities of Chennai.

  30. lokeshlokesh lad says:

    (I am using prepaid connection, and my 3g service is activated)
    I had activated 2g plan of Rs 401 (10 gb)
    but, i am not getting the speed…so if in case
    i active the 3g plan on 2g, the 2g plan will
    remain or i will lose the 2g plan……….so plzzzzz
    tell me what to do………….????

  31. I donno wheather this is working ir not found from this website … tell me if any one knows about this..

    After the 3G speed trick in Tata Docomo got banned I personally moved to Airtel 3G as it has the similar free 3G speed trick as Docomo. So just follow the below steps :

    3G speed in 2G Plans For Airtel :

    First deactivate all the Gprs Data Plans and Activate Airtel 3G
    Now Activate 7rs Airtel 3G plan and wait till the service got activated
    Use 2-3 MB data and then recharge with 98rs 2G Gprs pack on the same day
    After than do not use Internet till the validity of 7rs plan gets completely over
    Viola! You hack Airtel 3G speed, now enjoy 3G speed in 98rs plans
    Note : Use the same trick after the data or validity of the 2GB plan gets over!

  32. Belliappa says:

    Hi frnds i was getting 3g speed of 300 to 500 kbps with 98 rs plan but now with 149 rs plan i cant get 3g speed & now i’m getting only 3 to 5 kbps. Can anyone tell me how to get 3g speed with 149 rs plan if u know pls mail me or msg me @ 9632718717.

  33. Airtel 3g says:

    With increasing dependability over the internet, every one is looking for the most reliable Broadband internet connection. Airtel Broadband internet connection is the most preferred internet access solution because it is being offered by Bharti Airtel Limited, undisputed leader of telecom sector. Like other services of Bharti group, Airtel Broadband internet connection also offers many extra features being anticipated by the people who trust our capabilities

  34. Samarth says:

    guys, i think all this won’t work… let me tel you, im from b’lore, and recently i got a galaxy tab and activated airtel 3g at 200 for 500mb plan. i then went to udupi for one day and i was getting 120 kbps download speed. i was happy.
    then i come back to b’lore, i was using net and i am f***ing shocked to be getting 400-700 kbps download speed. so i dont think 2000 kbps connection speed is 3g. if u get 400+kbps in ur downloads at speedtest, then its good. and connection speed shud be 7.2 mbps.

  35. Ajay says:

    Guys I hav been using airtel 3g wid the 2g pack frm past 1 year.. m frm banglor.. In the meantime.. 2 times this hack got deactivated and reactivated.. But this time.. Its not getting active again.. I hav tried all sorts f tricks.. Left out wid oly 1 trick to try….!

    Do u thnk tat rechrgin wid 7rs. 3G plan.. and using 2-3mb of that plan and Recharging with 2g 98 pack again on d same day.. WILL WORK?? If YES, M gonna try tat trick.. o else NO

    • Nishant says:

      Ajay, nope sorry I can’t confirm that, as I haven’t done it myself. Since I’m on postpaid, I can’t try out many tricks, as ultimately if something done wrongly, will come up on my bill and I’ll have to end up paying for it. I myself am stuck on EDGE now and hating it. 🙁 I suppose only the people commenting here can help you regarding this.

  36. Ajay says:

    Can any1 help me on this?

  37. Ajay says:

    Im getting frustrated with Airtel now.. These ppl don provide bettr offrs than their competitors.. All their data packs charge more than others… And they also hav disabled 3G wid the 2G pack.. THE ONLY THING THEY PROVIDE IS GOOD NETWORK..

    Now that is not enuf as we all know….


  38. Ajay says:

    People.. Who do u think is best service provider a of now.. Im gonna buy that sim and quit AIRTEL.. I request all of you to do so.. In all your blogs,websites and other pages.. Tell people to quit AIRTEL.. AIRTEL should pay for what they have done..!

  39. Aryan says:

    i knw how to get 3G speed……hehee…….k listen first…airtel had given us a trial of 3G..and after 3 months it has ended…all of u’ll get 3G speeds for first 3 months after dat it’ll go to 5-10 kbps…
    but I have a simple trick to get 3g speed on recharge of 2G…and i have been using it for 2 months……i can’t tell uh here…call me 9784116909….nothing is free in life so please get 16 digit code of 10rs recharge(ofcorse airtel)….so cya

    • Nishant says:

      Forums and blogs are supposed to be communities for free knowledge sharing. If you’re going to charge for a little trick then I’m sorry but you violate the code of conduct. Please keep your tricks to yourself.

  40. 3g airtel says:

    Airtel users can avail the services through existing sim cards. Bharti Airtel, the country’s largest telecom operator by subscriber base launched international video calling service for its 3G customers in the country.
    With the government clearing decks for video calling on mobile phones, the country’s largest telecom operator Bharti Airtel commercially launched 3G mobile services.

    • Ajay says:

      Dont advertise the worst service over here..
      Bharti Airtel provides the following services

      * No better offer than their competitors.
      * Worst Customer Care.. Infact its not working
      Nowadays.. 😀
      * Most costly tariff on data and calls.
      * Cheating their customers by occasionally providing
      3G speed on 2G packs.. So that the customers buy
      their most costly 2G pack(Rs.149)… N 1 day later
      they dont get 3G speed.

      Airtel Keep up the good work…! :@

  41. lokesh says:

    New trick…>>>>>

    1) Activate 2G plan(3G should not be be activated)
    2) Don’t use 2G data or Dont connect with 2G network
    3) Activate 3G
    4) Deactivate 3G and activate again..
    5) Now connect with 3G..
    Thats all.. U will get 3G speed in 2G plan..!

  42. lokesh says:

    In 4 step, Deactivate 3G and activate ’3G’ again

  43. vikas says:

    Why r u wasting money for so high recharges (98,401and others) . Use any handler airtel free 3g trick with 3g activated and get 600kbps speed for free without any recharge . work on 0 balance . If balance high , will be cut . So use 2 sim , other 1 for other usages . Easily search for ‘airtel 3g handler trick ‘ and download handler browser and fill up the queries as given on site . There r 1000s of working airtel handler tricks . 100%working and u cn find them on any site as these tricks r very popular .

    • Ajay says:

      Plz.. gv any working link of handler wid free 3g support(600kbps speed).. Thnx in advance if ur trick is really working 😀

  44. vikas says:

    I m not using 3g bcoz my m is nokia x2 bt in 2g every handler trick is working and giving better than paid speed 5-11 kbps day 25-27kbps night . You cn find handler application with 3g trick on every wapsite also for apk bt if can not find use java application on android .

  45. Ajay says:

    LOL for airtel 3g.. M able to use 3g again.. ny1 else able to use.. M getting 0.32MBPS at speedtest.net.. Bttr than 2g which is usally .12MBPS 😀

  46. micky says:

    Hello nishant,
    I think this trick has been stopped by Airtel….
    Now these types of trick are not working.
    Are you still gettin 3G speed in 2G pack…

    Any one else who is still using this trick and more than 3 months.

  47. ayush3090 says:

    doesn’t work on my phone anymore 🙁

  48. vinit says:

    Goto tapanwap.com to find a airtel handler,…no need ny setings..works perfct

  49. rishabh says:

    i am also on airtel but i am getting very extremely alow speed first i used to get speed 2.5 mbps next day it came down to 40 kbps which is less than 2g .i have Android phone lg optimus one p500. please help as i made many complaints but they dont do anything. please help

  50. saajan says:

    man!!!! iam not getting 3G speed even on 3G pack!! airtel is worst! thinking of porting to bsnl…the downloading speed on airtel 3G iam getting is 50kbps-120kbps..that’s it!! guys suggest a good carrier in karnataka please..

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